The United States has a poverty problem.…

Most Americans — liberals and conservatives alike — now believe people are poor because “they have faced more obstacles in life,” not because of a moral failing. Long overdue, however, is a reckoning with the fact that many of us help to create and uphold those obstacles through the collective moral failing of enriching ourselves by impoverishing others. Poverty isn’t just a failure of public policy. It’s a failure of public virtue.

To break this cycle, we must commit to becoming poverty abolitionists.

— Matthew Desmond, “America Is in a Disgraced Class of Its Own,” The New York Times

[W]riting [a book] is an excruciating process full of failure. But when a book succeeds, even partially, it represents a level of concentration and refinement—a mastery of subject and style strengthened through patience and clarified in revision—that cannot be equaled. Writing a book is an extraordinarily disproportionate act: What can be consumed in a matter of hours takes years to bring to fruition. That is its virtue. And the rare patience a book still demands of a reader—those precious slow hours of deep focus—is also a virtue.

Thomas Chatterton Williams in The Atlantic

Accented characters in macOS

Today I learned…

macOS has a wonderful input mechanism where you press and hold a key on your keyboard to display the accent menu. It’s easy to internalize: long press “a” if you want to input “á”.

from Álvaro Ramírez. I knew iOS could do this, but I never thought to try it on a Mac.